MMA’s Manufacturing Agenda 2020-21 | Page 4

MMA ’ s Manufacturing Agenda

About MMA

The Michigan Manufacturers Association ( MMA ) is the state ’ s leading advocate focused solely on securing a prosperous future for Michigan manufacturers through effective advocacy , meaningful education and strategic business services .
Recognized as the go-to organization for Michigan manufacturers , MMA remains committed to its standing values of trust , leadership , knowledge , influence , and relationship building — all for the continued success of the state ’ s largest and most vital industry .
Established in 1902 , MMA now represents the interests and needs of nearly 1,700 member companies , ranging from small manufacturers to the world ’ s largest and most well-known corporations . The MMA Board of Directors is an elected entity featuring industry leaders poised to enhance manufacturing ’ s growth and longterm competitiveness .
About MMA Policy Development
MMA Policy Committees meet regularly to review issues and developments impacting Michigan ’ s manufacturing sector .
Through conversations with agency leaders , elected officials , and each other , committee members help develop the policy direction of MMA and , both directly and indirectly , influence Michigan ’ s continued role as a global hub for manufacturing .
MMA members may serve on as many Policy Committees as needed to ensure their voice is heard at the Capitol .
MMA Policy Committees cover these policy areas :
• Air
• Food & Beverage
• Employment &
• Health Care Workforce
• Mining & Natural
• Energy Resource Industries
• Environmental
• Tax
The MMA Government Affairs Committee and Lawyers Committee round out MMA ’ s policy and advocacy efforts .
Learn more at mimfg . org or contact MMA ’ s Eleanor Surtman at surtman @ mimfg . org or 517-487-8552 .
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