MMA’s Manufacturing Agenda 2020-21 | Page 5

About Michigan Manufacturing

MMA ’ s Manufacturing Agenda 5
Every dollar spent in manufacturing , adds another $ 1.89 to the economy .
There are more than 11,281 manufacturing firms in Michigan , or one in every 22 in the U . S .
Manufacturing employs 628,700 Michiganders
Michigan manufacturers accounted for $ 55.35 billion in manufactured goods exports in 2018 .
Average annual compensation in 2017 for manufacturing was $ 79,320.10 , compared to just $ 48,632.03 for all other sectors ( 59 % more than other industries ).
$ 105 $ 100 $ 95 $ 90 $ 85 $ 80 $ 75 $ 70 $ 65 $ 60 $ 55 $ 50
Michigan Manufacturing Output in billions , 2008-2018

$ 102.35 Billion

in 2018
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

76 %

R & D

Manufactured goods accounted for 95 % of Michigan exports in 2018 , totaling $ 55.35 billion .
76 % of U . S . business-funded R & D is done in Michigan and Michigan ranks 21st in federal R & D dollars received annually

19 % of state GDP

Manufacturing accounts for 19.38 % of Michigan ’ s total gross state product
Sources : U . S . Bureau of Labor Statistics National Association of Manufacturers World Economic Outlook , International Monetary Fund mimfg . org