MMA’s Manufacturing Agenda 2020-21 | Page 3

Leading Michigan Forward

Manufacturers are powerful forces in communities across Michigan , making significant capital investments , providing high wage jobs , and accelerating the state ’ s economic engine . The impact of the industry on Michigan ’ s economy is undeniable , so it is critical to our state ’ s future that we outperform other states to attract and retain manufacturing talent and capital investment .
In the pages ahead , you will find our action plan for creating and maintaining a statewide business climate that allows our manufacturers to compete globally . These policy recommendations were crafted by manufacturers large and small with the goal of making the Great Lakes State the prime location for manufacturing growth and investment .
The manufacturing industry is forever linked to our state ’ s history and remains a crucial part of our future success . We look forward to working with Governor Gretchen Whitmer , her administration and legislative leaders to boost the competitiveness of our industry and of our great state .
John J . Walsh MMA President & CEO
As the only sector that truly competes on a global scale , manufacturing requires a competitive business climate to be successful from their Michigan location . Our members need state government to be a partner in our pursuit of excellence and we must work together . As we face the current challenges and new opportunities , manufacturing policy must remove regulatory barriers , address talent challenges , reduce the cost of employing people and , yes , even incentivize manufacturing capital investment and job creation to make Michigan more competitive on a global scale .
As we rebound from the pandemic , MMA ’ s Government Affairs team is committed to working with the Whitmer administration and legislative leaders in crafting polices that allow the state ’ s largest and most vital sector to create jobs and drive our state ’ s economic recovery .
Table of Contents

4 About Michigan MFG

6 Employment & Workforce Policy

8 Talent

10 Tax Policy

12 Environmental & Regulatory Policy

14 Energy Policy

16 Infrastructure & Transportation

18 Health Care Policy

20 Food & Beverage Policy

22 Pro-Manufacturing Action Groups

Mike Johnston Vice President of Government Affairs
Caroline Liethen MMA Director of Environmental & Regulatory Policy
With strong legislative and public policy experience , Caroline works to identify and advance solutions for the complex environmental and regulatory challenges facing the industry .
David Q . Worthams MMA Director of Human Resource Policy
David focuses on human resource policy and workplace issues . His remarkable experience and wellregarded reputation serve members well as the industry continues to innovate , invest and create jobs .
Eleanor Surtman MMA Government Affairs Coordinator
Coordinating the frantic pace of an active Government Affairs team and supporting member engagement in policy matters is Eleanor ’ s specialty .