Miss VIP February, 2014 | Page 10

This tutorial will show you how to make a good quality, archival book from beginning to end. Book binding requires a lot of patience and practice, but the result is a beautiful work of art that you can give as a gift, or fill with your own drawings, notes and photos. Let’s begin! Make sure your paper, book cloth and book board are acidfree if you want your book to be archival. You will need a Supplies clean, flat surface to work on • 2 pieces of book board like a desk or the kitchen table. cut to 12 x 15cm, short grain Try to keep your hands clean (What is short grain?) • Book cloth large enough to and dry as much as possible to prevent glue or oil stains on your cover your book boards book. Always double-check your • 30 pieces of acid-free measurements before cutting! drawing paper cut to 11.5 x Bio Beauty 29cm, short grain • Piece of 6.5 x 11.5cm scrap paper • 2 sheets of acid-free paper for the inside of the cover 11 x 14cm, short grain • At least 4 sheets of newsprint • pH-neutral glue • Clean brush for glue • Bone fold • Scissors • Awl • X-acto knife • Ruler • Set square or triangle tool • Cutting mat • Waxed linen thread • Book binding needle • Paper weight Step 1: Cut Your Book Cloth On your cutting mat, cut your book cloth to 2cm larger than your book board on all sides. Cut the corners of the book cloth at a 45 degree angle. Make sure the edge of the paper is 3mm away from the corner of your book board. Use your triangle to line up the corner. Step 2: Cover the Outside of the Book Boards Grab your glue, brush, bone fold, book cloth and book board. Lay your book board on a piece of newsprint and glue the entire side of book board with a thin layer of glue. Place the