Hoop Card Catcher
What you need to do:
Step 1| First spray paint the
hoop if you like. After that
dries, it’s time to wrap the
Step 2| Tack one end of the
yarn on the side of the hoop.
Then start wrapping, zig zagging your way around the
hoop. There’s no real science
to this – it looks best random!
– but we did start near the
bottom and work our way up.
Step 3| Keep the yarn taunt
and add thumb tacks on the
side every so often to keep
the yarn in place.
Step 4| When you’re done
wrapping, add another tack
at the end point and cut the
Step 5| Then have fun decorating with cards, letters and
Source: Henry Happened
What you’ll need:
• 24-inch embroidery
• Yarn or twine
• Thumbtacks
• Gold spray paint
mementos. If the yarn is tight
enough the cards will sit right
in web.
Step 6| If it’s a little loose in
some spots, you can use fun
things like pretty hair clips to
hold things in place. ■