Miss VIP February, 2014 | Page 11

board glue-side down onto Step 3: Cover the Inside of the book cloth and press Your Book Board down firmly. Center it so that the fabric wraps around Take your cloth-covered book each corner. boards, the two sheets of 11 x 14 paper, some glue, and a brush. Turn the book and cloth On a sheet of newsprint, cover over. Moving from the center one of the papers with a thin layout, rub the cloth firmly with er of glue. Carefully center the the bone fold. Push out any paper glue-side down onto the bumps. Turn the book and inside of your cover and rub with cloth back around. Glue a bone fold. Repeat the same one of the longer flaps of steps to complete the second book cloth. Wrap the flap book cover. around the board and rub with a bone fold. Rub the Step 4: Prepare Your Sigside of the board as well, so you don’t get bumps on the natures edges of your cover. Take a sheet of the 11.5 x 29cm Glue the other long flap onto paper and fold the long side in half. A good way to make sure the book board using the same technique. With the tip you have a straight fold is to push the center down first and of your bone fold, push the book cloth around the cor- then push out the sides. ner of the board. This is to ensure that the corners of your Do this until all sheets of paper book board are completely covered. Do this for all four corners of the book board. Glue the two remaining flaps of book cloth to the book board. If glue is seeping out of the corners, lay a scrap piece of newsprint over it when you use the bone fold. It will pick up the extra glue. Hold up your book board and, with the flat side of your bone fold, tap the corners down. are folded. Gather 5 folded pages in a stack. This makes one signature. Do this until all of your signatures are made. You should have 6. Use your bone fold to flatten the fold for each signature. Step 5: Make Your Hole Punch Guide Take your piece of 6.5 x 11.5cm scrap paper and fold it in half lengthwise. This is where your holes will be punched. Then fold it width-wise. This will be your center fold. On your cutting board, use the awl to punch two holes measuring 2.5cm above and below the center fold. Punch another two holes measuring 4.5cm above and below the center fold. This will be your hole punching guide for your signatures and cover. Step 6: Punch Holes in the Signatures Grab your signatures, awl, and hole punch guide. Place your punching guide inside one of the signatures. Keep it in the center. On the cutting mat, use your awl to punch four