Millburn-Short Hills Magazine Spring 2020 | Page 13
work I do at The Workspace for Children.
I aim to post Monday to Friday and reserve
the weekend for my own family time. I have
a “flexibly rigid” set schedule to stay on track
with my audience.
What are some of your favorite topics
that you have covered? What topics do
you hope to tackle this year? My favorite
topics involve teaching parents and caregivers
the skills they need in order to live a happier,
more playful lifestyle with their children. In
2020, I am looking forward to taking a deeper
dive into why play is more important for our
children than ever before.
How did you build your large social
media following? I have built my Instagram
community with dedication, hours of hard
work and by connecting authentically with
my audience. I am not afraid of a challenge.
The social media world is constantly changing,
and it is not easy to keep up. There are tons
of influencers out there, and the market is
saturated. That said, I believe there is room
for everyone. I stay in my own lane and serve
my audience in the best way I know how. If I
don’t know how, I figure it out, I research, ask
for help, learn new skills, etc. That is what I
love most about this job. I am always learning
something new.
What are your favorite things to do in
and around Maplewood? My favorite thing
website and Instagram feed
provide inspiration for living
a play-based lifestyle, and
often feature her daughters.
is to hang around in the village. I absolutely
adore the Baker Street shops. There is an
amazing spirit of community over there
between Baker Street Market, Meus Shop,
A Paper Hat and Toy Division, etc. There is
always someone to chat with, be inspired
by and grab a coffee with.
When I am with my family, we love to
explore The South Mountain Reservation
and grab an early dinner at St. James Gate.
What does a typical day in your week
look like? I am up around 5:30 a.m. so that
I can grab an hour or so of work before the
kids wake up. Once they are off to school, I
am back at it until around 2:30 p.m., when my
first child comes in the door. After that, we
are usually hosting play-dates, riding bikes,
playing in the playroom and creating.
We aim for an early dinner and early-ish
bedtimes over here, so it is usually pretty
quiet by 8 p.m. ■