Military Review English Edition November-December 2013 | Page 118

N Norrie, Lt. Col. Christopher R., USA; Brig. Gen. Wayne W. Grigsby Jr., USA; Col. Patrick Matlock, USA; and Maj. Karen Radka, USA, “Mission Command in the Regionally Aligned Division Headquarters” (Nov-Dec): 3 O Ochberg, Frank, M.D., “An Injury, Not a Disorder” (Mar-Apr): 96 P Peterson, Col. Jeffrey D., USA, and Maj. Gen. Gordon B. “Skip” Davis Jr., USA, “America’s Army–Our Profession” (Jan-Feb): 43 Phillips, E. Margaret, “The Engaged Leader Paradigm: The Community Health Promotion Council as the Key to Family and Soldier Readiness” (Jul-Aug): 45 Prigge, Col. Christopher N., USA; Maj. Gen. Gordon B. “Skip” Davis Jr., USA; and Brig. Gen. Thomas C. Graves, USA, “The Strategic Planning ‘Problem’” (Nov-Dec): 10 Pryer, Lt. Col. Douglas A., USA, “Growing Leaders Who Practice Mission Command and Win the Peace” (Nov-Dec): 31 _____, Lt. Col. Peter Fromm, USA, Retired, and Lt. Col. Kevin Cutright, USA, “The Myths We Soldiers Tell Ourselves (and the Harm These Myths Do)” (Sep-Oct): 57 _____, Lt. Col. Douglas A., USA, “The Rise of the Machines” (Mar-Apr): 14 R Radka, Maj. Karen, USA; Brig. Gen. Wayne W. Grigsby Jr., USA; Col. Patrick Matlock, USA; and Lt. Col. Christopher R. Norrie, USA; “Mission Command in the Regionally Aligned Division Headquarters” (Nov-Dec): 3 Richardson, Maj. Joshua, USA, and Brig. Gen. Charles Flynn, USA, “Joint Operational Access and the Global Response Force: Redefining Readiness” (Jul-Aug): 38 Runkle, 1st L George W., USA, “A More Flexible Army and a More Stable World” (Jul-Aug): 60 S Schatzel, Lt. Col. John A., USA, Retired, and Lt. Col. Wendell Stevens, USA, Retired, “Delivering the Command and General Staff Officer Course at the Operational Edge” (Nov-Dec): 18 Schrankel, Lt. Col. Chuck, USA, Retired, and Lt. Col. Michael Flynn, USA, Retired, “Applying Mission Command through the Operations Process” (Mar-Apr): 25 Scully, Lt. Col. Michael A., USA, Retired, and Col. Clinton J. Ancker III, USA, Retired, “Army Doctrine Publication 3-0: An Opportunity to Meet the Challenges of the Future” (Jan-Feb): 38 Sluka, Jeffrey A., Ph.D., “Death from Above: UAVs and Losing Hearts and Minds” (Mar-Apr): 89 Stanley, Bruce E., Ph.D., USA, Retired, and Col. Thomas Graves, USA, “Design and Operational Art: A Practical Approach to Teaching the Army Design Methodology” (Jul-Aug): 53 Stevens, Lt. Col. Wendell, USA, Retired, and Lt. Col. John A. Schatzel, USA, Retired, “Delivering the Command and General Staff Officer Course at the Operational Edge” (Nov-Dec): 18 Summers, Col. Clark H., USAR, “Women: The Combat Multiplier of Asymmetric Warfare” (Jul-Aug): 71 V Van Burken, Christine G., “The Non-neutrality of Technology: Pitfalls of Network-Enabled Operations” (May-June): 39 Vermeesch, Col. John A., USA, “Trust Erosion and Identity Corrosion” (Sep-Oct): 2 W Williams, Col. Thomas M., USAR, “Education for Critical Thinking” (Jan-Feb): 49 Williams, Maj. Charles Malcolm, USA, “Revisiting Persistent Engagement and Interagency Collaboration” (Mar-Apr): 62 SUBJECT INDEX A Afghanistan “Early Mistakes with Security Forces Advisory Teams in Afghanistan,” Capt. Wesley Moerbe, USA (May-June): 24 “The Human Shield in Islamic Jurisprudence,” Maj. Benjamin Buchholz, USA (May-June): 48 “King No More,” Maj. Lance Boothe, USA, Retired (May-June): 72 “Turkey’s Role in Afghanistan and Afghan Stabilization,” Karen Kaya (Jul-Aug): 23 “Trafficking Terror through Tajikistan,” Luke Falkenburg (Jul-Aug): 7 Amnesty, Reconciliation, and Reintegration (AR2) “Early Mistakes with Security Forces Advisory Teams in Afghanistan,” Capt. Wesley Moerbe, USA (May-June): 24 “Turkey’s Role in Afghanistan and Afghan Stabilization,” Karen Kaya (Jul-Aug): 23 Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) “A More Flexible Army and a More Stable World,” 1st Lt. George W. Runkle, USA (Jul-Aug): 60 “The CTC Program: Leading the March into the Future,” Col. 116 Michael Barbee, USA (Jul-Aug): 16 “The Future Army: Preparation and Readiness,” Gen. Robert W. Cone, USA (Jul-Aug): 2 “Joint Operational Access and the Global Response Force: Redefining Readiness,” Brig. Gen. Charles Flynn and Maj. Joshua Richardson, USA (Jul-Aug): 38 “King No More,” Maj. Lance Boothe, USA, Retired (May-June): 72 “The Officership Model: Exporting Leader Development to the Force,” Maj. Todd Hertling, USA (Mar-Apr): 33 C Comprehensive Soldier Fitness “Alternate Perspectives: Trying to Think from the Other Side of the Hill,” Lt. Col. Wlliam Greenberg, USA, R ??????5???)???????+?q??%?????9??????????t?????=???????4????5????????+?q??????A??????????? ????????????????????????????)M???????????????5??????t????1?? ????H?? ????????UM(?9?????????+?qQ????????????A????????????I?????????t?????I?????\?) ?????UM??)???????+?q?????????????Q??? ????????????M????????M?????? ????????????()9????????????????????5%1%QId?IY%\((0