Military Review English Edition November-December 2013 | Page 117

ANNUAL INDEX D H Davis, Maj. Gen. Gordon B. “Skip” Jr., USA; Brig. Gen. Thomas C. Graves, USA; and Col. Christopher N. Prigge, USA, “The Strategic Planning ‘Problem,’” (Nov-Dec): 10 _____, and Col. Jeffrey D. Peterson, USA, “America’s Army–Our Profession” (Jan-Feb): 43 Davis, Maj. John R. Jr., USA, “Defeating Future Hybrid Threats: The Greatest Challenge to the Army Profession of 2020 and Beyond” (Sep-Oct): 21 Dempsey, Maj. Richard, USA, and Maj. Jonathan M. Chavous, USA, “Commanders Intent and Concept of Operations” (NovDec): 58 Donnelly, William M., Ph.D., “Professionalism and the Officer Personnel Management System” (May-June): 16 Doty, Lt. Col. Joe, Ph.D., USA, Retired, and Maj. Gen. Richard Longo, USA, “The Electron Theory of Leadership: Enabling Senior Leaders to Really See Their Organizations” (Nov-Dec): 75 _____, and Master Sgt. Jeff Fenlason, USA, “Narcissism and Toxic Leaders” (Jan-Feb): 55 Hansen, Lt. Col. John, USA, Retired, and Lt. Col. Michael Hartmayer, USA, Retired, “Security Cooperation in Support of Theater Strategy” (Jan-Feb): 24 Hartmayer, Lt. Col. Michael, USA, Retired, and Lt. Col. John Hansen, USA, Retired, “Security Cooperation in Support of Theater Strategy” (Jan-Feb): 24 Hertling, Maj. Todd, USA, “The Officership Model: Exporting Leader Development to the Force” (Mar-Apr): 33 Hill, Dr. Robert M., “Fighting and Winning Like Women*” (NovDec): 51 Hill, Nathan C., “Sowing Dragon’s Teeth: OSS Operational Groups of World War II” (Jul-Aug): 31 Hussey, Col. John F., USAR, “Seizing the Initiative by Establishing the Rule of Law During Combat Operations” (JanFeb): 30 E Escobar, Maj. Jacqueline S.L., USA, “Breaking the Kevlar Ceiling: A National Security Case for Full Gender Integration in the U.S. Army” (Mar-Apr): 70 Etzioni, Amitai, “The Great Drone Debate” (Mar-Apr): 2 I Imiola, Lt. Col. Brian, USA, Ph.D., “The Imaginary Army Ethic: A Call for Articulating a Real Foundation for Our Profession” (May-June): 2 J Johnson, Dan, Consultant with The Praevius Group, Salado, Texas, “The Greatest Threat Facing the Army Profession” (SepOct): 69 F K Faggard, Maj. David, USAF, “Social Swarming: Asymmetric Effects on Public Discourse in Future Conflict” (Mar-Apr): 79 Falkenburg, Luke, “Trafficking Terror through Tajikistan” (JulAug): 7 Fenlason, Master Sgt. Jeff, USA, and Lt. Col. Joe Doty, Ph.D., USA, Retired, “Narcissism and Toxic Leaders” (Jan-Feb): 55 Flynn, Brig. Gen. Charles, USA, and Maj. Joshua Richardson, USA, “Joint Operational Access and the Global Response Force: Redefining Readiness” (Jul-Aug): 38 Flynn, Lt. Col. Michael, USA, Retired, and Lt. Col. Chuck Schrankel, USA, Retired, “Applying Mission Command through the Operations Process” (Mar-Apr): 25 Fromm, Lt. Col. Peter, USA, Retired; Lt. Col. Douglas Pryer, USA; and Lt. Col. Kevin Cutright, USA, “The Myths We Soldiers Tell Ourselves (and the Harm These Myths Do)” (SepOct): 57 Kaya, Karen, “Turkey’s Role in Afghanistan and Afghan Stabilization” (Jul-Aug): 23 Kimball, Lt. Col. Raymond A., USA, and Cap. Joseph M. Byerly, USA, “To Make Army PME Distance Learning Work, Make It Social” (May-June): 30 G Ghikas, Maj. Demetrios A., USA, “Taking Ownership of Mission Command” (Nov-Dec): 23 Glonek, Maj. Joshua, USA, “The Trust Lapse: How Our Profession’s Bedrock is Being Undermined” (Sep-Oct): 40 Graves, Brig. Gen. Thomas C., USA; Maj. Gen. Gordon B. “Skip” Davis Jr., USA; and Col. Christopher N. Prigge, USA, “The Strategic Planning ‘Problem’” (Nov-Dec): 10 Graves, Col. Thomas, USA, and Bruce E. Stanley, Ph.D., USA, Retired “Design and Operational Art: A Practical Approach to Teaching the Army Design Methodology” (Jul-Aug): 53 Greenberg, Lt. Col. Wlliam, USA, Retired, “Alternate Perspectives: Trying to Think from the Other Side of the Hill” (May-June): 63 Grigsby, Brig. Gen. Wayne W. Jr., USA; Col. Patrick Matlock, USA; Lt. Col. Christopher R. Norrie, USA; and Maj. Karen Radka, USA, “Mission Command in the Regionally Aligned Division Headquarters” (Nov-Dec): 3 Guthrie, Col. Tom, USA, “Center for Army Leadership Response to ‘Empirically Based Leadership’” (Jan-Feb): 67 MILITA Id?IY%\????9?????????????????()0)1??????? ????Q?????4???UM?????? ????Y?????????????UM?+?q?I???????1????]????????????=??????????t(?9?????????)1????5???? ???????UM???q?????????????Q??? ???????????)M????????M?????? ????????????????A????????t??M???=???(??)1??????5????????I???????UM??????1?? ????)??????A????)UM??I???????qQ??????????Q???????1?????????????????)M?????1????????I??????M???Q????=??????????t??9??????(??()4)5??????? ????A???????UM?? ????????]???\???????)??)UM??1?? ???? ????????H??9??????UM????5????-???)I??????UM???q5?????? ?????????????I????????????????)??????!?????????t??9????????)5????????5????M????@???UM???q?????????? ????1?????????)%???????????M??????????A????????? ????????? ????)1?????????5?????t??)?????????)}}}}|??A???????qA??????? ??????Q????????I???????????) ??????????1???????Êe?I??????????a?????????? ???)1???????Êg?t??5???)???????)5????????? ???? ????4???UM???q ??????????????????T?L?)???1????????Q???1?????????????????t??M???=??????)5?????? ????]????UM???q????5?????????M??????)??????????Q?????????????????t??5???)???????)5??????M??????A??????qA?????????5???????????)U??????????????????-???????=????????????????t??5??)???????((???((0