Military Review English Edition November-December 2013 | Page 119

ANNUAL INDEX Army Profession,” Maj. Charlie Lewis, USA (Sep-Oct): 11 “Fighting and Winning Like Women*,” Dr. Robert M. Hill (NovDec): 51 “The Engaged Leader Paradigm: The Community Health Promotion Council as the Key to Family and Soldier Readiness,” E. Margaret Phillips (Jul-Aug): 45 Counterinsurgency (COIN) “Alternate Perspectives: Trying to Think from the Other Side of the Hill,” Lt. Col. Wlliam Greenberg, USA, Retired (May-June): 63 “Applying Principles of Counterinsurgency to the Fight Against Sexual Assault in the Military,” 1st Lt. Chad R. Christian, USA (Nov-Dec): 67 “The Human Shield in Islamic Jurisprudence,” Maj. Benjamin Buchholz, USA (May-June): 48 “Trafficking Terror through Tajikistan,” Luke Falkenburg (Jul-Aug): 7 CYBER “Alternate Perspectives: Trying to Think from the Other Side of the Hill,” Lt. Col. Wlliam Greenberg, USA, Retired (May-June): 63 “A Role for Land Warfare Forces in Overcoming A2/AD, Col. Vincent Alcazar, USAF, and Col. Thomas M. Lafleur, USA (NovDec): 79 “The Non-neutrality of Technology: Pitfalls of Network-Enabled Operations,” Christine G. van Burken (May-June): 39 “The Great Drone Debate,” Amitai Etzioni (Mar-Apr): 2 “The Human Shield in Islamic Jurisprudence,” Maj. Benjamin Buchholz, USA (May-June): 48 “The Imaginary Army Ethic: A Call for Articulating a Real Foundation for Our Profession,” Lt. Col. Brian Imiola, USA, Ph.D. (May-June): 2 “The Myths We Soldiers Tell Ourselves (and the Harm These Myths Do),” Lt. Col. Peter Fromm, USA, Retired; Lt. Col. Douglas Pryer; USA; and Lt. Col. Kevin Cutright, USA (Sep-Oct): 57 “The Non-neutrality of Technology: Pitfalls of Network-Enabled Operations,” Christine G. van Burken (May-June): 39 “The Rise of the Machines,” Lt. Col. Douglas A. Pryer, USA (MarApr): 14 “Seizing the Initiative by Establishing the Rule of Law During Combat Operations,” Col. John F. Hussey, USAR (Jan-Feb): 30 “The Trust Lapse: How Our Profession’s Bedrock is Being Undermined,” Maj. Joshua Glonek, USA (Sep-Oct): 40 “Trust Erosion and Identity Corrosion,” Col. John A. Vermeesch, USA (Sep-Oct): 2 “Trust: Implications for the Army Profession,” Charles D. Allen, USA, Retired, and Col. William G. “Trey” Braun III, USA, Retired (Sep-Oct): 73 D Future Wars “A More Flexible Army and a More Stable World,” 1st Lt. George W. Runkle, USA (Jul-Aug): 60 “A Role for Land Warfare Forces in Overcoming A2/AD, Col. Vincent Alcazar, USAF, and Col. Thomas M. Lafleur, USA (NovDec): 79 “The CTC Program: Leading the March into the Future,” Col. Michael Barbee, USA (Jul-Aug): 16 “Defeating Future Hybrid Threats: The Greatest Challenge to the Army Profession of 2020 and Beyond,” Maj. John R. Davis Jr., USA (Sep-Oct): 21 “The Future Army: Preparation and Readiness,” Gen. Robert W. Cone, USA (Jul-Aug): 2 “The Human Shield in Islamic Jurisprudence,” Maj. Benjamin Buchholz, USA (May-June): 48 “Joint Operational Access and the Global Response Force: Redefining Readiness,” Brig. Gen. Charles Flynn and Maj. Joshua Richardson, USA (Jul-Aug): 38 “The Non-neutrality of Technology: Pitfalls of Network-Enabled Operations,” Christine G. van Burken (May-June): 39 “The Rise of the Machines,” Lt. Col. Douglas A. Pryer, USA (MarApr): 14 “Social Swarming: Asymmetric Effects on Public Discourse in Future Conflict,” Maj. David Faggard, USAF (Mar-Apr): 79 Design and Military Decision Making Process “Alternate Perspectives: Trying to Think from the Other Side of the Hill,” Lt. Col. Wlliam Greenberg, USA, Retired (May-June): 63 “Applying Mission Command through the Operations Process,” Lt. Col. Michael Flynn, USA, Retired, and Lt. Col. Chuck Schrankel, USA, Retired (Mar-Apr): 25 “Commanders Intent and Concept of Operations,” Maj. Richard Dempsey, USA, and Maj. Jonathan M. Chavous, USA (Nov-Dec): 58 “Design and Operational Art: A Practical Approach to Teaching the Army Design Methodology,” Col. Thomas Graves, USA, and Bruce E. Stanley, Ph.D., USA, Retired (Jul-Aug): 53 “Growing Leaders Who Practice Mission Command and Win the Peace,” Lt. Col. Douglas A. Pryer, USA (Nov-Dec): 31 “Promoting Critical Thought: A Response to the Center of Army Leadership’s Rebuttal to ‘Empirically Based Leadership,’” Maj. Sean P. McDonald, USA, Psy.D. (May-June): 79 “Purpose in Mission Design: Understanding the Four Kinds of Operational Approach,” Simon Murden, Ph.D. (May-June): 53 Doctrine “Army Doctrine Publication 3-0: An Opportunity to Meet the Challenges of the Future,” Col. Clinton J. Ancker III, USA, Retired, and Lt. Col. Michael A. Scully, USA, Retired (Jan-Feb): 38 “Design and Operational Art: A Practical Approach to Teaching the Army Design Methodology,” Col. Thomas Graves, USA, and Bruce E. Stanley, Ph.D., USA, Retired (Jul-Aug): 53 “The Imaginary Army Ethic: A Call for Articulating a Real Foundation for Our Profession,” Lt. Col. Brian Imiola, USA, Ph.D. (May-June): 2 “Purpose in Mission Design: Understanding the Four Kinds of Operational Approach,” Simon Murden, Ph.D. (May-June): 53 E Ethics; Law of War “Character Development of U.S. Army Leaders: The Laissez-Faire Approach,” Col. Brian M. Michelson, USA (Sep-Oct): 30 “Death from Above: UAVs and Losing Hearts and Minds,” Jeffrey A. Sluka, Ph.D. (Mar-Apr): 89 MILITARY REVIEW ? November-December 2013 F H Human Terrain; Culture and Language “Alternate Perspectives: Trying to Think from the Other Side of the Hill,” Lt. Col. Wlliam Gree ??????UM??I??????5??)???????+?q??????A??????????? ????????????????????????????)M???????????????5??????t????1?? ????H?? ????????UM(?9?????????+?q???????????]???????1????]???????t???I?????4??!?????9?????????+?qQ???!????M?????????%??????)????????????t?5???? ???????) ??????UM??5???)???????+?qM??????????e?Q?????=ML?=????????????????]????]??)%$??t?9????? ??!?????)????????+?qQ??????????Q?????????Q??????????t?1?????????????)??????((???((