Military Review English Edition November-December 2013 | Page 11

R E G I O N A L LY A L I G N E D F O R C E leaders to meet partners and build relationships, whether with partner nations or at the combatant command. These types of engagements should be part of the regionally aligned force generation model and scheduled early in the alignment period. Finally, a challenge internal to the regionally aligned force is in fostering intellectual curiosity across the headquarters. All of the training and touch points described previously—be they academic seminars, relationship building, or command post touch points—all build understanding of the operational environment. This is just a beginning, however, and the staff must build on this understanding through its own reading. While leaders cannot instill curiosity, they can encourage it in the staff. The community of interest, for example, can collectively create a recommended reading list as a starting point for such individual studies. Mission command and the regionally aligned force are mutually supportive concepts. Preventing conflict and shaping the environment in a region requires continued engagement, which the regionally aligned force can do through physical presence or from home station. Mission command, as both a philosophy and a warfighting function, enables the force to do this. In its support of the combatant commander, the regionally aligned force can then demonstrate the value and necessity of mission command, as it builds relationships with partners in the region and keeps “hands on the problem.” For 1st Armored Division, embracing mission command meant a shift toward conducting staff operations at home station the same way we do while deployed, including establishing a home station command post linked into the Army service component command and combatant command, setting a battle rhythm at home station similar to that used while deployed, and keeping a “forward mindset” all the time. While there is a cost involved in equipping the regionally aligned force to remain connected forward, this is more about “head ware” than it is about hardware. The regionally aligned force must adopt a forwardfocused mindset to be most responsive and add value to the supported combatant commander. MR USPS Statement of Ownership 2013 MILITARY REVIEW • November-December 2013 9