Military Review English Edition November-December 2013 | Page 10

(C. Todd Lopez) Sgt. 1st Class Grady Hyatt, with U.S. Army Africa, leads an after-action review with soldiers of the Ghana Army. Hyatt was in Africa as part of the Army’s “regionally aligned forces” concept, meant to pair Army units with combatant commanders worldwide. A third challenge is the difficulty in establishing interorganizational unity of effort in a region. Many organizations tend to act unilaterally; collaboration in a region is often casual, and, at times, arbitrary. A regionally aligned headquarters can facilitate unity of effort among these organizations by creating venues, which enable collaboration, especially in information fusion and integrated planning. While the lead federal agency in Phase 0 is often the Department of State, the regionally aligned force can assist the Department of State in the region by providing the planning capacity inherent in the headquarters. This interagency coordination should not be reserved for deployments only, but should occur routinely at home station. Again, this will require an Army push to incorporate the right players into this network. 8 The Army, at the Department of the Army headquarters and the Army service component command level, also has a responsibility to the combatant commander to explain what the regionally aligned force brings to the table. The Army service component should also authorize discussion directly between the regionally aligned force and the combatant command to build relationships at both the action officer and commander level. An additional challenge is that very little “juice” comes with regional alignment; it currently does not trigger additional resources of people, money, or equipment. The Army should therefore develop a force generation model for regionally aligned headquarters, which addresses personnel manning, additional resources (funding and equipment), and training requirements and opportunities. As an example, additional travel funds are required for November-December 2013 • MILITARY REVIEW