Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 87

ARMY AIRCRAFT designed specifically for CAS, rationally sacrificing other characteristics such as air-to-air survivability. One factor that grows out of such conditions is that, while technology is important, effective CAS is less about the “box,” meaning the aircraft and its technology, than it is about the “man in the box.”30 Additionally, the characteristics of the aircraft are important. These characteristics, from a ground commander perspective, are consistent throughout history, from World War II and Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan. The desired characteristics for an aircraft supporting ground troops with CAS are endurance, responsiveness, precision, situational awareness, survivability, and effective air-to-ground communications. Army CAS Provides Sustained Continuity During Contact Since air superiority is an undisputed prerequisite for operations and the USAF prefers interdiction (Image courtesy of U.S. Marine Corps) to CAS, it follows that the number A Marine air-observer team guides a Marine Corps Corsair aircraft in for a strike on an of available USAF CAS sorties will enemy-held hill during the Korean War (circa 1950). The “black Corsairs” were highly decrease as the USAF fleet gets small- praised by soldiers and marines alike for their precision strikes on targets and their er. This may well lead to a situation extremely close support of forward units. where MRAs are overtaxed, switching back and forth between very different types of the friendly or the enemy positions from 12,000 feet missions, preventing them from focusing on specific above; and the air-ground team did not understand missions as well as the close relationship CAS rethe capabilities and limitations of the targeting and quires. This may lead to an increased fratricide risk to signaling equipment. Because the aircrew believed ground forces during CAS missions, as exemplified by they could identify friendly strobe lights, the aira recent incident in Afghanistan. ground team “collectively failed to effectively execute On 9 June 2014, a USAF B-1B bomber dropped the fundamentals, which resulted in poor situation two 500 lb. GPS-guided bombs on an Army Special awareness and improper target identification.”32 Sadly, Forces team working with Afghan security forces, when it comes to CAS, this type of tragic incident is 31 killing five. Numerous errors by the aircrew and too common. ground element contributed to deaths on the ground, all of which are historically endemic to CAS: The Recommendations controller was unfamiliar with the operating environThe Army requires an aircraft under its direct ment; the aircrew could not visually acquire either control designed for CAS. As an X Corps report MILITARY REVIEW  May-June 2016 85