Military Review English Edition January-February 2014 | Page 13

LEVERAGING SOCIAL MEDIA Oftentimes, peer-to-peer, grass roots knowledge sharing is extremely influential. Forums such as Company Command Net, S3-XO Net, Platoon Leader Net, FRG Leader, and NCO Corps allow members to pose questions and share insights, videos, and other resources. Topics range from taking command to managing funds in family readiness groups and myriad other topics. These forums allow members to contribute to the group, connect with others with similar experiences or interests, and develop personally through these interactions.50 A lack of close interpersonal relationships through virtual space has shown not to be an issue when the community that its online members belong to has a strong identity, such as Company Command Net.51 Consider viewing customer ratings online for a product one plans to purchase. One may not know any of the product reviewers, but the shared interest in the same product helps personnel overcome trust issues arising from the lack of strength in participant ties.52 In fact, virtual relationships have sometimes proven more useful, pre