Military Review English Edition January-February 2014 | Page 12

Department of Defense’s milSuite. home station, competition for limited resources will continue to rise. Leaders must overcome and maximize dwindling resources to maintain readiness. Organizations can increase their competitive edges by tapping into knowledge inventory, creating ways to increase access to knowledge stores, and promoting and rewarding knowledge sharing. 46 Continuously sharing information, lessons learned, institutional knowledge, and expertise is more important than ever, and social media can enhance these practices. For example, Xerox developed a collaborative social media site in 2010 that allowed repair technicians to share insights and observations with each other.47 This collaborative portal, named Eureka, resulted in a 5-10 percent parts and labor cost reduction, which translated to an annual cost savings of $30 million.48 10 Training and Collaboration There are tools available leaders can utilize to enhance training and collaboration. For example, viewing videos can be educational and instructive for various tasks. The Iron Major Crossfit website out of Fort Leavenworth posts daily workouts with YouTube links so members can watch how to do exercises properly, or define a DU, HSPU, T2B, or KB. Similarly, milTube is a secure, Department of Defense (DOD) version of YouTube, where users post military-related videos intended for training personnel in various skills. The DOD’s milSuite website is a collection of online tools such as milTube, milBook, milWire, milWiki, and Eureka.49 Many of these sites are similar to commercial counterparts, but most are secure and full of communities of professionals waiting to share, connect, and receive information. January-February 2014 MILITARY REVIEW