Military Review English Edition January-February 2014 | Page 11

LEVERAGING SOCIAL MEDIA Influence Potential in the Army In May 2013, 89 percent of all Internet users ages 18-29 reported using social networking sites.41 Moreover, social networking sites were used by 78 percent of Internet users aged 30-49, 60 percent for those aged 50-64, and 43 percent for those aged 65 years and older.42 As of late November 2013, 98.6 percent of the active duty Army ranged from ages 18-49, with slightly more than 1 percent at the ages of 50 and beyond.43 To give some Army perspective, general officers typically range from 50 and beyond and colonels from the early 40s and beyond. If one makes the broad-based assumption that Army personnel reflect the general population in social networking habits, then over 83 percent, or 439,000 active duty members between 18-49 years of age use social networking accounts in some form. However, only 60 percent of the most senior leaders do, so they do not have a substantial, far-reaching communication element in their arsenal to employ. As social media is a significant and growing part of today’s society ( b