KOSTANIAN ARARAT (IOS) AL-QAEDA. THE THREAT OF NETWORK THINKING TO THE INTERNATIONAL SECURITY The purpose of this essay is to reveal the uniqueness of Al-Qaeda where it can be seen from different angles. Some put the stress only on as it is a classical terror organization that tries to create horror in Secular Arab states and a message to the West of its existence. The other notion, which I believe is more accurate, puts the stress on Al-Qaeda’s philosophical ideology that the main issue is not related with terror per se, but a request to the Muslim World to restore Islamic Caliphate under Wahhabi understanding, taking into account, that Osama bin Laden, the founder of Al Qaeda, had been raised in Saudi Arabia, and his lecturers at the Islamic school were mainly advocates of Wahhabi-Salafi variant of Islam. It is worth mentioning that Al Qaeda uses high technology and has strong secrecy in recruiting members from all around the world. Moreover, they have secret members in most Arab countries who does not want to live under secular system and want to challenge the secular governments in all ways to return to the puritanical Islamic living which had been during the Prophet Muhammad. Interestingly, Al Qaeda set two kinds of enemies and tried to target both, “The near enemy” and “The far enemy”. Near enemy understanding represents the Arab governments that have secular system and a re in constant enmity towards Islamic groups (Syria, Egypt), and the far enemy is considered to be Western world (USA, Israel). Unfortunately, the American officials did not take al Qaeda seriously and they were capable of monitoring them against any terror operations. Things changed only after the “Sep 11” incident and as we know G.W. Bush declared war on terror. Islamic radicalism has the tendency to grow, as we have seen in Arab world after the so called “Arab spring”. Secular governments must educate their illiterate people not to join these populist groups in order to keep countries safe. 93