MELKONYAN MARIAM (YSU) THE REFLECTION OF THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN WORK «HÂTEME-I RISÂLE» BY MIHRI HATUN (15-16 CENTURIES) In Ottoman Empire Islamic laws formed public way of thinking. Women were isolated from society, politics, culture and so on. The main reason was that Islam restricted the women rights. The general attitude towards women has its manifestation in Ottoman poetry, where we can meet works expressing negative opinions about women. In Ottoman Empire women were kept away from literature. This is the reason why there are no many women in Ottoman literature. Nevertheless, 15 th century was marked by appearing of woman poet in Divan literature. Many of them mainly wrote in literal traditions established by man poets. The only exception was Mihri Hatun (1456-1514). You can meet numerous lines in her divan, which express progressive ideas not typical to that period and the most notable from her works is «Hâtemei Risâle» . We can say that in «Hâtemei Risâle» the poetess tries to speak about woman’s natural rights as here Mihri wants to say that woman with her mind and opinions is not yield to man, often even surpasses, so she must also be considered as a human being who has right to express her virtues, to express her ideas like men. In these extremely brave lines, not typical to that period, appear that Mihri has the courage to criticize unequal status of men and women in society. This is the first case in Ottoman Divan literature. Although ideas expressed in «Hâtemei Risâle» are no predominant in other works of Mihri Hatun, but these lines show that in Ottoman literature the ideas dedicated to the protection of women rights are the reflection of feminism, which we can meet till 15-16 centuries. 280