Muslims,living with the Armenians in Yerevan Khanate composed only a small part of the population. In the South Caucasus the population living in Yerevan Khanate was taken captive by different conquerors or often emigrated from the territory of the khanate searching safety in other places in the result of regular military operations between both great powers such as the Ottoman Empire, Iran and Russia, and local government units such as the Muslim khanates, pashayutyuns (provinces), Armenian principalities, Georgian Kingdom. According to contemporary sources, apart from emigration, immigration was taking place in Khanate, but immigrants were mostly Muslims, Kurds, Iranians and others. Only rare cases are known, when during the period we are interested in, a few Armenian families settled in Yerevan Khanate. Demographic changes of the 18th century were due to the religious and economic policy conducted by the rulers of the khanate, Muslim khans. As a result, the demographic picture in Yerevan Khanate underwent a great change already at the end of the century and the Armenians did not constitute the majority of the population anymore. These demographic changes are the result of both the Armenian population’s emigration from Khanate and being captured, Muslim population’s immigration to Khanate, and Yerevan khan's domestic policy. 231