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Made of rice, yellow or white flour, pork, chicken, egg, carrot, sometimes, peas, potatoes and wrapped and cooked in banana leaves is ideal for a good breakfast, there are different versions with change of some ingredients , depending on the region can be called hallaca tamal or a combination of flavors that can not be missed.


This is a soup that is made with different types of meat can be beef, pork or chicken or even all together in a dish, in addition to potato, green banana, yucca and corn A simple preparation is known throughout the country and that will delight the palate.


This can be one of the funniest dishes if you are a foreigner visiting Colombia, it is a dish made of rice and pork, along with the peas and spices it has been made from pork skin and its presentation includes the head, although very particular gastronomic delight.


Thanks to the fact that we have Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the amount of fish is abundant and it can be eaten in various preparations and varieties: Catfish sauce, fish widower, fried or roasted turkey, if you travel to the coast do not miss the fresh fish.