F3K Team NZ - Joe , Pete , John and Kev PS : NI F3K event coming up on 25-26 May in Hawkes Bay .
2013 SoarChamps & 2013 WC F3J Trial
Your Soaring SIG will be holding the 2013 Soarchamps in the fantastic location of Lake Station , Saint Arnaud from the 12th to 14th April . The program will be : Friday – F3J Thermal Duration , Saturday – Premier Duration NZ Class C & ALES 200 NZ Class N and Sunday - F3K Hand Launch Glider .
The Soarchamps will also serve as the Trials for the selection of the next WC F3J team . Scores will be combined from both Thermal Duration competitions , F3J & Premier Duration . A discard score for the trial will be as per the F3J rules and the total rounds flown in the trial will be the sum of the number of rounds flown in each competition .
A Champagne Fly-off is also scheduled for Saturday evening along with a fun Radian contest in each of the lunch breaks .
Please arrange your own accommodation . We look forward to seeing you there .