MFW April 2013 | Page 35

President Kevin Botherway ( Hawkes Bay ) – 0275570470 Secretary / Treasurer David James ( PN ) – 06 3543452 , 0272447782 Committee Aneil Patel ( Auckland ), Bill DeRenzy ( Tauranga ), Scott Chisholm , Dave Griffin and Peter Hewson ( Christchurch ), Heather Mardon and Joe Wurts ( Hawkes Bay )
Soaring SIG email : nzsoaringtc @ hotmail . com News & info at : http :// nzmaa . org . nz / soaring w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / p a g e s / N Z - S o a r i n g - SIG / 122980667806846 Postal address : 41 Chippendale Crescent , Palmerston North . 4412
The Soaring SIG trusts you all have been able to review the NDC calendar as it has been updated to include ALES ( Altitude limited electric soaring ) events . The Soarchamps are on this month at Lake Station and with a change to the event list hope to see more of you there .
2013 Soaring Calendar :
April-2013 ,
April-2013 ,
NDC , Thermal D ( F500 )
April-2013 ,
NDC , Thermal B ( 10 min )
Friday , 12 April ,
NZ Soarchamps F3J , Lake Station , Saint
Friday , 12 April ,
Team Trails F3J WC - F3J scores
( Soarchamps )
Saturday , 13 April ,
NZ Soarchamps Premier Duration &
ALES 200
Saturday 13 April , Team Trails F3J WC - PD scores
( Soarchamps )
Sunday , 14 April ,
NZ Soarchamps F3K
May-2013 ,
NDC , F3K Tasks B , D , G , H only ( total raw
scores )
Saturday , 11 May ,
SI Thermal F3J & F5J
Saturday , 18 May ,
Team Trails F3J WC - Raindate # 1
Sunday , 19 May ,
Team Trails F3J WC - Raindate # 1
Saturday , 18 May ,
Aero-tow , Burnham ( CRFC field )
Sunday , 19 May ,
Aero-tow , Burnham ( CRFC field )
Saturday , 25 May ,
NI F3K Event – Hawkes Bay
June-2013 ,
NDC , Thermal A ( Open )
June-2013 ,
Saturday , 8 June ,
SI F3K Event
Saturday , 15 June , NI F3B
Sunday , 16 June ,
July-2013 ,
NDC , ALES 123 Class M
July-2013 ,
NDC , Slope Distance Class F
July-2013 ,
NDC , Thermal B ( 10 min )
July-2013 ,
22-28 July ,
FAI WC World Champs F3K Denmark
August-2013 , NDC , Thermal D ( F500 ) Saturday , 3 August , SI F3K Event , TBA Saturday , 17 August , NI F3B , Matamata Sunday , 18 August , NI F3B , Matamata
F3K Team Practice
We had a second team practice for F3K in Hawkes Bay over the weekend 9th-10th March at our venue we have just found ( Hastings Sports Park ). I had an open invite to come and help out as we needed plenty of competition fliers . John Shaw ( F3K NZ Team Manager ) came up from Timaru on Thursday Night and Peter Williams ( F3K team pilot ) got to Hawkes Bay on Friday after a long sleep in and Joe Wurts ( F3K Team pilot ) and Kevin Botherway ( F3K Team pilot ) were locals so no problem .
Wynn Robins from Hamilton and Andrew Niles from Palmerston North made a great effort and also arrived on Friday other locals also came out to play – Alex Wardley , Ken Duffell and Andrew Stiver . We had some variable but great practice conditions throughout the weekend and Friday was mostly a good strong breeze which meant a good load of ballast was in order and thermals weren ’ t an easy bet we mostly worked on the three minute maximum flight and if a few achieved this we were into a fast turnaround as well ( back to back threes ). A three minute flight with a discus plane is usually not obtainable without some form of lift and it makes good practice . The day was completed at around six o ’ clock and most headed for home very exhausted .
Conditions on the Saturday were similar to Friday but John had promised to also mark out a flight box which meant the rule for today was NO LAND OUTS !!! Well Pete Managed 7 ! And a few with 2 or 3 for the day ! While at times each one of us had moments of brilliants ’ we all lost slots somewhere which showed that ’ s what the practice is for . Again the flights targeting three minutes and then 1 to 2 second turnarounds were the order of the day . We held a team meeting at the end of the day to finalize all the loose ends for Denmark in July – travel arrangements rental cars accommodation and Uniforms . The Guys went out for meal in Havelock and a couple of beers . Sunday again another typical Hawkes Bay day – Hot , blue sky no clouds – Fantastic morning . Time to loose any ballast and the morning had strong thermal activity and most of us making repetitive turn-a-rounds and flights , the breeze lifted through the day until home time around 3 o ’ clock with us all well practiced and exhausted after a full three days of very competitive flying and some harsh lessons learned at times . Pete managed the perpetual trophy with a total of ten land outs during the weekend !!!!!!
A big thanks to all who came and supported the Team and I hope you got as much out of the weekend as I did !!!! THANKS GUYS ! Awesome Time