Andy Clark, Ashely Layson, and Savannah Good Interviewing Mrs. Blankenship on Dec. 3rd, 2014. . Goals for Success “We are the school to watch in Frankfort this year”, Mrs. Blankenship stated on December 3rd, 2014. Mrs. Blankenship has some goals and expectations for PME students to help improve their K-PREP score. One goal she has for this year is to improve our achievement score. The achievement score is how many distinguished, proficient, apprentice, and novice scores a school has. Mrs. Blankenship wants more distinguished and proficient. Another goal for this year is to improve student growth. Student growth is how much a student’s score goes up compared to their last score. If all students have growth, then our school’s score goes up. Probably one of Mrs. Blankenship’s favorite goals is to improve attendance. She would love to have great attendance, plus that helps our K-PREP score. If students aren’t at school, then they can’t learn. Mrs. Blankenship’s long-term goal is to at least be a proficient school (even though she thinks we can be a distinguished school) in five years. PME has a lot of big goals to accomplish, and if we do accomplish them, then PME won’t be the bottom school any more. So Mrs. Blankenship needs all PME students to try their best, and get an awesome K-PREP score! Are you up for the Challenge? Mrs. Blankenship is really proud since our school received a great K-PREP score and for so many people improving. She still thinks we can do better. PME students need to do their best on that big test called K-PREP. Most importantly, students need to care about testing and what score they get. PME’s score last year was AWESOME, but PME can get an even better score if everyone tries their best and improves. Mrs. Blankenship has her game plan, but it will never work without students doing their part. So PME students, let’s get that K-PREP score that makes us a proficient school THIS year!! Andy Clark, Ashely Layson, and Savannah Good Interviewing Mrs. Blankenship on Dec. 3rd, 2014.