Merri Health Annual Report 2023_Final_WEB | Page 67

Where can we improve ?
increasing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees , students and volunteers at Merri Health
building our staff ’ s confidence to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in culturally safe and respectful ways
What ’ s next ?
continuing staff and community engagement with the Uluru Statement from the Heart
increasing relationships and partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communitycontrolled organisations
Growing awareness of the Voice to Parliament
Reconciliation in Merri-bek aims to increase our community ’ s capacity to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to live free of discrimination , violence , and exclusion , and to have improved mental wellbeing .
Our focus for this year was to increase community understanding about the First Nations Voice to Parliament . This included community engagement activities that informed a communications campaign and a small grants program supporting community-led events during National Reconciliation Week , from 27 May to 3 June .
What did we achieve ?
13,820 people reached from
25 social media posts about The Voice , informed by our engagement activities
569 Northern Merri-bek residents participated in 32 community events , supported by the National Reconciliation Week Party Program
– hosts received $ 100 and an activity pack to hold parties in people ’ s homes , parks , and a school
50 + community members and
125 staff engaged in discussions and surveys about The Voice
94 % of Party Program participants agreed that it increased their knowledge of a Voice to Parliament and what it means
distributed an info sheet about The Voice to staff , community members and via our website
strengthened relationships with Reconciliation Victoria , Merri-bek City Council , Sowing Sistas , and Merri-bek Council ’ s First Nations Advisory Committee
Where can we improve ?
more time and resources will help us to effectively work in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led organisations and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and community
growing staff members with lived experience will aid meaningful engagement
What ’ s next ?
recruiting an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander-identifying position to focus our work in schools in 2024 reviewing learning opportunities available to staff to improve their confidence in delivering culturally safe services
engaging with our community to determine next steps once the RAP is completed in December 2023
“ Attending this chat helped me to explore the topic of The Voice to Parliament more in-depth and helped me to feel clear about the issue and confident to chat with others in my life .”
– Staff member
Reconciliation Australia ’ s Workplace Barometer
This year , for the first time we participated in Reconciliation Australia ’ s Workplace Barometer surveying our staff on their commitment to and understanding of reconciliation .
We learned :
78 % were confident to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a way that is culturally respectful
0 % had seen or personally experienced racism towards Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people in the workplace in the last year
100 % support promoting and celebrating National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week in the workplace
99 % support partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations or communities
90 % are interested in getting involved with activities that support reconciliation or cultural understanding
91 % support engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses as suppliers
75 % felt our organisation has a strong , visible stance against prejudice and racism internally
Merri Health Annual Report 2023 65