Merri Health Annual Report 2023_Final_WEB | Page 68


We support LGBTIQA + consumers and communities by providing safe , inclusive services and partnering with others with shared values .
LGBTIQA + people experience mental ill health at rates two-four times higher than the broader population . Additionally , many are less likely to access support or services due to fear of discrimination .
As a proud Rainbow Tick Accredited organisation , we are committed to providing safe , inclusive health services , and promoting initiatives that celebrate the contribution of LGBTIQA + communities and address health inequalities and discrimination .
Our LGBTIQA + Committee provides valuable guidance and oversight in this space . It is made up of 11 members , including a community representative , who identify predominately with LGBTIQA + lived experience .
This year we focused on continuing to address health inequities and discrimination , offering tailored support to all who need it , maintaining our Rainbow Tick Accreditation , surveying and upskilling staff , being active with our LGBTIQA + partners and allies , and growing our own allyship .
What did we achieve ?
achieved full 3-year accreditation against the Rainbow Tick standards
190 staff members completed our bi-annual staff survey of LGBTIQA + inclusive practices – our highest ever completion rate to date delivered ongoing internal training around LGBTIQA + policy and procedures
Rainbow Crew carer peer support group launched
completed database inclusive fields project to improve the quality of our databases and build capacity to appropriately and respectfully reflect diverse client identities
supported Wear It Purple Day and IDAHOBIT ( International Day Against LGBTQIA + Discrimination ) on 26 August 2022 and 17 May 2023 with active involvement
joined 5000 + community members to support Midsumma Carnival , celebrating queer , intersex , transgender , bisexual , lesbian and gay culture
Midsumma Carnival 2023 .
66 Advocacy and support for at-risk communities