Merri Health Annual Report 2023_Final_WEB | Page 66


We ’ re closing the health gap through culturally safe and inclusive services and initiatives that promote respect , equity and recognition .
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples continue to face poorer health outcomes than non-Indigenous people . We are committed to closing this health gap by creating local environments that are culturally safe and inclusive , and supporting and delivering community health initiatives that promote recognition , respect and equity .
This year we focused on progressing our Reconciliation Action Plan ( RAP ), launching cultural awareness training , supporting initiatives to ‘ change the date ’ and help our staff and community to learn about the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Voice to Parliament .
Our innovate RAP was launched in 2022 and will be completed in December 2023 . Endorsed by Reconciliation Australia , it details 72 actions we have committed to across four focus areas :
Relationships , Respect , Opportunities , Governance . Our RAP formalises and consolidates our ongoing commitment and achievements to date , our partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities , and opportunities to grow and develop in this important space .
What did we achieve ? 16,000 + people reached from
71 stories posted across social media , website , newsletters , and intranet via our RAP communications plan
launched our bespoke cultural awareness online training , mandatory for new staff and all leaders
partnered with Girrawayi Ganyi Consultants to deliver cultural awareness training to 39 staff to build capacity and culturally safe service delivery our Board Chair signed the online canvas to support the Uluru Statement from the Heart
supported Changing the Date by introducing a leave policy for staff to substitute the January 26 public holiday
updated our cultural leave policy to support First Nations staff to participate in cultural activities
8 learning sessions about the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Voice to Parliament delivered to staff and Board Directors
2 local secondary schools supported to increase their understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures
assisted a new nature playgroup to invite Traditional Owners to do a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony
64 Advocacy and support for at-risk communities
Merri Health ’ s Jillian Dent , Board Chair Julie McCormack and Director ’ s Benjamin Maxfield and Ann Taylor celebrated 30 years of The Long Walk with Michael Long .