ABOUT YOU by Evangeline Udenyi
A lot of us spend time trying to impress
our bosses in the office for some unknown
and unverified reason: that it is what we
ought to do to get our jobs done right. If
we really think about it, it is just plain rationale to impress who gives you the paycheck
at the end of the month and can also authorize a
“pink slip” too but the truth is that we are really
not the major thoughts in their heads. Pay close
WORD ALERT! Your boss is not thinking about
ganization, their educational background...it
does not matter, as a dissatisfied customer can
be the end of your career.
Some customers can be obnoxious. Others are
just financial bullies. For example, a man walks
into an investment firm with N2, 000,000 and is
pushing it down everybody’s throat when there
have been people who have come into the same
company with way more than that amount and
did not make half as much noise about it.
What do you do if you had such a client who has
Pay close attention
boss is not thinking
about you!!!
The real 'terrorists' that you should worry about
are the undercover CIA agents that go by the
'scam' name HR (Human Resources) - plain disguise. They are trained to monitor your behavior
and recommend your staying or leaving.
So I ask, will it not be wiser to impress these set
of people?
In spite of the above apparent truth, the most
important set of people that deserve your all
when it comes to your work are your customers
or clients. They play a major part in influencing
the activities of whatever organization you work
with. Regardless of who the person is, their size,
status, how much income they bring to the orJ U N E 2 0 1 4 MeMag |
chosen to use your desk as his pedestal to show
off his “riches” and to make it worse, he/she is
proud and arrogant about it.
There are so many difficult people that walk into
our organizations everyday but the trick to handling them is called Emotional Intelligence. In
simpler terms, understanding a person’s emotional state and using it to your advantage... Let
us take the case study above and examine it.
1) It is possible that the client must have worked
really hard for that money and that N2, 000,000
is N2, 000,000,000,000 in his eyes.
2) He has probably been defrauded before be-