MeMag June 2014.pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 32

cause he thinks he was not firm This line of thought is the beginenough. ning of a warfare that you will not win simply because 'the cus3) He is just plainly arrogant and tomer is always……… (Yes you got it) Right!' proud, nothing more. Whatever the case may be, you are at an advantage because you know his emotional state (arrogance and pride) and you know what people like that want? They want recognition and special treatment; they love to be treated as priority and nothing else matters at that moment except them. As an Emotionally Intelligent person that you are, you recognize the emotion and you know what he needs. However, you can use it to your advantage by borrowing the golden rule, “do unto others what you will have them do unto you” and everything will work out better than great and as coincidental as it may be, you are the best person to take good care of the client because you understand him. To wrap this up, your priority should be your customers/clients because, like disciples, they take your gospel everywhere - good With these tools you can swing or bad - and trust me, it spreads the client in your favor and will faster than advertisements. most likely get more out of him. You also need to recognize your A good recommendation guaremotions and not let them con- antee’s you a client faster than flict with your client's to remain a billboard will. And you know at an advantage. how fast bad news travels… Let's just assume you are an arrogant person (hey! You are not. It's just an example) and the client we are discussing chooses your desk as his display portal (DP), if you do not recognize your emotion and put it to check on time, you will most likely react negatively because you understand perfectly what kind of person he is and possibly harbor thoughts like 'what does he think he is? I know his type and I can handle him'. J U N E 2 0 1 4 MeMag | @memagtwits 29