very “business like” thing to do, If you are truly working and acting in love , it carries over to every aspect of your life, everything
that you do, business included and so, I’m saying this because it
has actually affected the way I think about things. I mean, in a
meeting I’m thinking about this person and I’m saying okay, if I
have a responsibility to myself and then I have a responsibility to
this person, to be loving to them and to treat them in a fair and
just way, in a way that Christ will approve of then, certain things
are permitted, certain things are not, that’s the surface of it. Then
you understand that to love or to walk in love doesn’t mean that
you stop at what is permitted or what is not permitted it means
you go the extra mile. Jesus said, “if your neighbor asks you to
walk a mile with him, you should walk two” so, even in that regard it has carried over and on my part, sometime it may be hard
to find ways to apply this but I tend to try to give people that I
work with extra value for that interaction, beyond just fulfilling
the terms of the contract or an obligation, exchanging money for
service, just trying to go the extra mile so that at the end of it,
having worked with you they don’t leave with a sour taste in their
mouth, they don’t leave feeling this was just a regular ordinary
experience, but they feel like there was something there. And I
think those are the things that actually make people wonder and
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start to draw them in and get them wondering about the things
that Christians’ believe and the way Christians should live and
I think that that is how change starts, if you make it just about
the transaction -collect the money and you’re out of the doorpeople are missing an opportunity to rub minds to interact with
a Christian. I mean, they could be worse off for it. So I think if we
do that more, if we just walked in love daily, every day, if we just
walked more and more in love, we would serve the community
in which we find oursel