MeMag June 2014.pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 29

that you already have but then I wonder, I ask myself if I’m giving my clients the best that I can. Which is supposed to be at the heart of my agreement with him, whatever it is we are doing, you know. It forces me to actually dig in deeper and in a lot of times, I find myself going to God, looking for inspiration and it does make a difference. Sometimes I surprise even myself with the things I’ve come up with just because I’ve refused to do things the same old way and I’ve chosen to dig a little deeper to come up with something truly original as I am supposed to do. Also, my faith has stopped me from, pursuing certain jobs, certain, projects in the past. I believe in the power of conscience very much. I believe that your conscience, in the moment your conscience is your guide. It could be wrong sometimes but then, not to digress, the point is, I’ve had the opportunity to be part of certain projects in the past, for one or two reasons I was not very comfortable with things I saw. And I will pull out whether it’s some unethical, some questionable practice or something dubious like to scam a clients, you know, those kind of things. Unfortunately in our country today, our mindsets have been so corrupted that we found a way to convince ourselves that it is okay, corruption has permeated almost every facet of our lives. And we find ourselves dealing more and more with people who feel like it is okay to try and pull a fast one on people they are working with. And in those kind of situations, my faith does not allow me proceed. I just bow out. I just withdraw. Sometimes, immediately afterwards, it leaves you with mixed feelings, you know, you’re wondering if, J U N E 2 0 1 4 MeMag | you’re tempted to just go with the flow, if you can’t beat them join them, that sort of thing, but in the end I do feel satisfied and I have the conviction that I’ve done the right thing. So in that regard it plays a very big big huge role in the way I do business MeMag: Finally Sir, Please indulge us a little more by telling us, in your honest opinion, What Christians do in Business do that should be applauded and what they do that should be criticized? say "NO" when No should be said and they say "YES" when YES should be said. Unfortunately, I think people like that, I think Christians like that are the overwhelming minority in the society in which we live in but I think that is what needs to be applauded. It is that this belief has so permeated their lives that even in the way they do business. It affects their dealing and the things that they say and do and they are so totally committed to being Christian in the way that they have come to understand it. Tony Edache: I think one of the things Christians do in business that should be applauded is something that is overrated and overlook now about is simply that they stand up for what is right, you know, that they are guided by their conscience by the moral law, by scripture and they simply On the other hand I think what Christians do not do enough, and they should be criticized for, is that they do not love enough. We tend to find reasons to stop being our best at a certain point. We call it our “limits” or that point where we say “enough is enough” and while it may not sound like a @memagtwits 26