MeMag June 2014.pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 28

of who have been successes in the different fields in which they work. So, that says something about the selection process. I believe I was part of something great with that even though it was not everything it could have been it was valuable in its own right. MeMag: Seen that you have been in the different business fields, tell us what definition of success you operate with. Tony Edache: I think success is a deep feeling of fulfillment that comes from doing something that you have a passion for. Erm… there are multiple dimensions to that answer, because you can talk about success and want to quantify it financially but then we have all heard stories about people who have a lot of money and are still not fulfilled still not happy so I think when you quantify it by financial terms alone, you’ll still to fall short of the mark. It doesn’t encompass everything. If you want to define success as being good at what you do, you can be very good at what you do and not be able to a make a living off it so that brings in the financial aspect of it. You can also be good at what you do and not be happy doing it, you know, so by the time you bring all of this together, you’re doing something you’re passionate about, you’re good at it, you’re motivated to do it and you’re able to make a living and meet all of your needs doing it, then you can call yourself a successful person. There is also the, well… it also depends on what your worldview and what your value sets are. Because for some people a big part of success is being able to touch other peoples’ lives, it’s about being able to affect the community you live in positively, being able to have an impact and a change beyond what happens when you pull out your check book. You know, So, I think that is vital component of success as well. A number of things have influenced this mindset for me first and foremost which is my faith as a Christian. I think there is more to reality than the things that meets the eye and all of those things need to be considered as we live our lives daily if we are to have, J U N E 2 0 1 4 MeMag | live fulfilled and purposeful lives. Another thing that greatly affected this mindset is my upbringing even though it is very closely tied to my faith as well, but then I was raised to believe that you have to give something back to the people with whom you share your life. It’s not about just meeting your own needs and it’s not just about taking care of yourself and moving forward, yes that is one step but he next step, the highest step, the one you can never finish doing, the one you can never fully complete is giving back taking care of the people around you, moving up as you move up yourself, so in a sense, there is a component of success that is defined by helping other people, putting others on "My faith has...put certhe path to success that you, tain values at the core of my business things yourself have enjoyed. like Honesty, Integrity, Diligence..." MeMag: Hmm, I hear faith, so let me probe a little further, how has your faith influenced the way you do business? Tony Edache: My faith has influenced my business, it has influenced it very much and it still does. It has put certain values at the core of my business things like Honesty, Integrity, Diligence, all these are born form my faith. The simple things, “let your yes be YES and let your no be NO”. Maybe some of the less popular portions of scripture “Be as gentle as a dove but be as wise as the serpent” you know. Recently the parable of the shrewd servant has made an impression on me. All of these things affect how I do business. They compel me to add an extra layer of thought every process that I take, every step that I take. It really forces me to ask myself if there is a different or a better or a more “Christian way” of doing things. I don’t mean this in the sense of keeping up appearance or trying to do things the way that, we have been conditioned to think that Christianity should look but just from my deep and truthful, honest understanding of my faith trying to