Given the specialist nature of demolition work, a demolition plan might be prepared to collate the key information relevant to the work into a single document, including some information relevant to work health and safety. A demolition plan should not duplicate a WHS management plan or SWMS but may reference them.
A demolition plan may include:
• the location of the site on which the structure to be demolished stands
• the overall height of the structure above ground level and the least distance from the structure to each site boundary
• the type of building( occupancy class), its structural support system and the principal materials of its construction
• the proposed methods of demolition including the number and types of major items of plant
• the proposed methods for handling and disposing of demolished materials and, in particular, of hazardous materials
• the proposed methods of controlling and maintaining access and egress to workplace
• the proposed sequence of carrying out the demolition works and an estimate of the time( in days) it is likely to take to complete all of each of the stages of the work
• the proposed hoardings, scaffolding and fencing and of any overhead sidewalk protection
• any other plans, illustrations, written documents, or specialist reports as may be necessary to support the proposed methods of work or protective structures
• traffic management arrangements, which includes managing vehicles and mobile plant hazards in relation to operation at the workplace and interaction with the public.
• the location and condition of the following:
• underground essential services including:
• electricity
• drainage and sewerage
• gas
• water
• communications cables( for example, telephone, radio and television relay lines)
• hydraulic pressure mains
• liquid fuel lines
• lubrication systems
• process lines( chemical, acid)
• above ground essential services
• hazardous materials, including asbestos
• underground structures such as a basement, cellars, or storage tanks
• any confined spaces where work will be undertaken
• the general condition of structures on adjoining properties, particularly where these are close to or on the boundaries of the demolition workplace
• the effect demolition may have on people working in adjoining properties or seeking access to and egress from those properties, and
• the emergency arrangements, which should include equipment for the rescue of injured persons.