Some of the issues to be considered when undertaking an engineering investigation include:
• obtaining the as-built details of the component members( if available)
• identifying the type of structural system involved
• conducting a search for engineering details specifying size, type and configuration of reinforcement and the strength of materials( if available) and the located documents referenced
• assessing the current load-carrying capacity of the structure, taking into account:
• the strength requirements of the relevant structural technical standards current at the time of construction and the strength and loading requirements of those now current
• degradation of the original properties of the materials used due to time, weathering, wear, or other deleterious causes, and
• the capacity of the structure as a whole and individual members to sustain superimposed loads without:
• premature collapse of any member; or
• deforming to an extent which will lead to static instability of the member itself or to connected members.
• verifying the composition or quality of structural components, if necessary, using methods such as:
• core drilling
• electronic reinforcement location, and
• exposure of reinforcement
• assessing any loss of structural strength resulting from any destructive investigation methods used
• identification and location of floor penetrations to facilitate construction or structural irregularities
• assessing whether the proposed methods and sequence of demolition can be executed without causing unpremeditated collapse of the whole or part of the structure, and
• identifying any other details of the structure regarding strength, construction or contents which will influence the selection of demolition methods / procedures.