Partition wall An interior non-load bearing wall that divides a building into rooms. Pier A column or post supporting a superstructure such as floor bearers, verandas, beams etc. Purlins
Rafter( common)
Reinforcing steel a) In simple roof construction, longitudinal roof timbers giving intermediate support for rafters, supported at intervals longitudinally by struts.
b) In some roofs of trussed construction, the purlins provide direct support for the roof covering, they bear on the principal rafters of each truss and span between trusses.
c) In roofs of trussed construction employing common rafters, purlins span between trusses supporting the lighter common rafters at requisite intervals.
In roof construction, a timber framing member providing the principal support for the roofing material.
Steel bars of various sizes and shapes used in concrete construction for giving added strength.
Roof truss A truss providing structural support for a roof. Rubble Rough broken stones or brick used for filling. Shoring Temporary supports used to maintain stability and prevent movement typically to:
a) prevent the collapse of an excavation, and
b) support an existing structure, especially where they may be weakened by the removal of adjoining buildings.
Stability A determination of the ability of a structure to withstand overturning, sliding, buckling, or collapsing.
Underground essential services
Underground essential services information
Essential services that use pipes, cables other associated plant located underground.
In relation to proposed demolition work, means the following information relating to underground essential services that may be affected by the excavation:
( a) the essential services that may be affected
( b) the location, including the depth, of any pipes, cables or other plant associated with the affected essential services, and
( c) any conditions on the proposed excavation work.
The construction of new footings and walling under the footings of an existing structure which have failed or may fail.
Vault An arched structure of masonry usually forming a ceiling or roof. Ventilation The process of changing or circulating the air in a space by either natural or artificial means.