Asbestos containing material( ACM)
The asbestiform varieties of mineral silicates belonging to the serpentine or amphibole groups of rock forming minerals including actinolite asbestos, grunerite( or amosite) asbestos( brown), anthophyllite asbestos, chrysotile asbestos( white), crocidolite asbestos( blue), and tremolite asbestos.
Any material or thing that contains asbestos.
The primary horizontal support members for a formwork deck that are placed on top of formwork frames. Bearers are usually constructed from timber but are sometimes constructed from metal, such as in the case of some modular formwork systems.
Brace A member, usually a diagonal, which resists lateral loads and / or movements of a structure. Chute
Competent person
Dead load
An inclined or vertical trough or tube through which articles are passed from a higher to a lower level.
A person who has acquired through training, qualification or experience the knowledge and skills to carry out the task.
A permanent inert load on a building or other structure due to the weight of its structural members and the fixed loads they carry, which impose definite stresses and strains upon the structure.
Debris Material created by demolition work that is larger than rubble.
Demolition drop zone
Earthmoving machinery
Essential services
Zone for the disposal of demolition rubble and debris, which is clear of obstruction and isolated from workers and other persons at the workplace, to allow objects to fall freely.
Operator controlled plant used to excavate, load, transport, compact or spread earth, overburden, rubble, spoil, aggregate or similar material, but does not include a tractor or industrial lift truck.
Services that supply:
( a) gas, water, sewerage, telecommunications, electricity and similar services, and( b) chemicals, fuel and refrigerant in pipes or lines.
Exclusion zone An area from which all persons are excluded during demolition work. Footing The construction that transfers the weight of the structure to the foundation. Foundation The ground upon which the footings of a building are constructed. Framework
A structure constructed of metal, concrete, timber, brick or other rigid materials.
Lagging Insulated covering for services( e. g. hot water pipes). Live load
Load bearing wall
A moving load or a load of variable force acting upon a structure, in addition to its own weight.
A wall which provides structural support, including for the floor and / or roof in a building, its own weight, live loads, dead loads and lateral forces of arches, vaults and wind.
Main Street reticulation service provided by the supply authority, e. g. gas, water and sewerage. Masonry Brick, concrete, stone, artificial stone or terra cotta laid in mortar.