Meet Your Creator: Greenkill 2013 November, 2013 | Page 12

MEET YOUR CREATOR: APPRECIATING HASHEM’S GREAT OUTDOORS Now that’s a dandy The Dandelion testifies to divine creation "?"???? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ????? The bright yellow of the dandelion is not just to impress us, but to attract insects to pollinate it W e can all remember those summer days when the beautiful dandelions bow gracefully with the calm wind. However, its bright yellow color is not merely to impress us, rather to attract insects to pollinate it. Yet, when it changes into a seed-ball, it miraculously becomes completely colorless! At this point in the dandelion’s life, all it needs is for the wind to spread out its seeds. Certainly, the wind does not need color to attract it. Where did the dandelion gain the knowledge that its seeds are transported through the wind? I nterestingly enough, the stem of the seed-ball is much taller than the stems of the dandelions that are still in the flower stage. This is no accident for it needs an open field of space for its seeds to parachute off. Therefore, it grows above the heads of the surrounding grass in order to allow this to happen. For it to fly away, it needs its space. Where did the dandelion gain this knowledge that its seeds are transported by means of parachutes? How did they learn that there is something called wind that will enable its seeds to spread abroad? The truth is that not only do dandelions know that the winds exist, but they know how strongly the ordinary wind blows. It grips the seeds just firmly enough to prevent it from falling off among the surrounding grass, yet not too firmly to resist an ordinary wind. 9