Meet Your Creator: Greenkill 2013 November, 2013 | Page 13
Just plain nuts
its all inside: Plan and purpose in the chestnut
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While the
outer casing
of the
chestnut is
covered with
sharp spines,
the nut’s shell
is smooth
he only thing nuts about the chestnut is to think that it
came about by accident. Taking a
deeper look at the chestnut tree and its
nuts, we again come to recognize '?’??s incredible
and infinite brilliance demonstrated in the world
He created. While the case of the chestnut is
green, the actual nut inside it is in a mahogany-colored shell. The
outside casing is covered with sharp spines, whereas the nut’s
shell is smooth. The outer case breaks open along the middle, and
it opens by itself.
The chestnut
tree knows
that those
eating its
nuts can
urning to the actual chestnut tree, it covers its unripe
fruit with a green covered with sharp spikes, as we just
mentioned above. The tree is aware that its leaves are
green, and therefore, it colors the nut’s case green in order to
keep it camouflaged. This demonstrates that the tree knows that
those eating its nuts can distinguish colors! With their
camouflaged, spike cases, the nuts deter a
person from eating them. Yet, when the
nut is ripe and ready to be eaten, the
spike-covered outer shell automatically
splits open and falls off by itself! It knows
that it is ready to be eaten!