Meet Your Creator: Greenkill 2013 November, 2013 | Page 11

MEET YOUR CREATOR: APPRECIATING HASHEM’S GREAT OUTDOORS have hidden in there. In turn, it was a spider that had saved ????? ?’?????s life. A spider possesses a tiny laboratorygland that synthesizes a substance that congeals into a flexible rope W e are aware, however, that the primary purpose of the spider’s web is to trap other insects. Even an orphan baby spider knows exactly what to do, without the benefit of instruction. Loose threads cannot trap a fly. Yet, a spider possesses a tiny laboratorygland that synthesizes a substance that is so chemically planned that it is a liquid when inside the gland, but when expelled and comes in contact with the air, it instantaneously congeals into the precise consistency of a flexible rope. Additionally, the spider’s miniature brain has a built-in control system that causes him to suspend the threads in precise mathematical pattern like a skilled engineer. The threads of the web are so cunningly spaced and balanced that they are able to withstand the insect’s struggles A s the fly struggles when caught in the web, the flimsy threads seemingly should snap or disintegrate. Yet, since the threads are so cunningly spaced and balanced according to the best principles of architectural engineering, that despite their extreme weakness, they are able to withstand the struggles of the trapped insect. Even the spider’s web clearly shows plan and purpose in the world T here is no way for the rational mind to believe this all to be accidental. Even the spider’s web shows plan and purpose in the world. Everything that we see proves the phrase, "? ,"???? ????? ?????everything You have made You ? have done so with wisdom. 8