Meet Your Creator: Greenkill 2013 November, 2013 | Page 10

MEET YOUR CREATOR: APPRECIATING HASHEM’S GREAT OUTDOORS The World Wide Web Caught in amazement by the spider’s web "?"???? ????? ????? The spider and its amazing web has always remained a fantastic phenomenon among mankind T hroughout time, the spider has always remained a fantastic phenomenon among mankind, entertaining enough for people to dream-up superheroes based on its lifestyle and abilities. In fact, ? ??"??tell us that even ? ,??? ?????who knew the purpose for each and every creation of '? ,??was baffled at the spider, as he questioned its existence. After understanding everything else in the vast world, ? ??? ?????could not seem to figure out why '??? created it. However, he was shown soon enough just how important the spider is. In the midst of ?????? pursuing ? ????in his attempt to kill him for rebelling against the kingdom,3 ? ????found himself of the need to hide as he quickly ran into a cave. W [?8?*?5?u?5?u?8?+Y??YH?B???][??H?]?KH?Y\?Y[?XYH??[?H?X??\?]????^K\??]?[??[HH[\?\??[?]8?*?5???u???+??[?]?\???[?Y?[?H\???[?\?HX\??]8?*?5?u?5?u?8?+Y??\?Z[? [??] ?H?H8?*? 5?u?5?u?5?5???5?+?H??\??X]\?8?*?5?????u???u?x?+?[[YKY?Y??[\?[??]?H?\??X\????[8?*? ????u???+Y] \??[?[][???\?H??[???B??]?Y?H ??*? 5?8?+[? YH?\?^?[?[?\?[H?H?]\?KH?\??]?[?B??\?H\??[?\?Y[?[?YY ???????