Meet Your Creator: Greenkill 2013 November, 2013 | Page 9

MEET YOUR CREATOR: APPRECIATING HASHEM’S GREAT OUTDOORS the proper shape of the eyeball. Each lens is a living tissue that miraculously Once we understand the genius of the retina, cornea, pupil, iris, sclera, and the others, we would surely appreciate and marvel our eyes metamorphosed into transparent material that serves more efficiently than the best man-made product. Every component is of exquisite precision, and is exactly suited for its specific function. The retina, eye liquor, cornea, pupil, iris, eye-muscles, lens, nerves, sclera, and others, all of different and especially composed materials – all developed from the same bit of original embryonic tissue! What amazing detail in such a small creation! Now we will surely appreciated our eyes when we declare: '?"???? ??? ?? "? – ?????? ??? ????? ???? ??????Blessed are You, Hashem, our G-D, King of the Universe, Who has opened the eyes of the blind! As you and eye can see, there is more than meets the eye in the human eye 6