MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 44

Weekly Media File Newspaper/Magazine Article Stylesheet If you write an article, you are writing a public discussion of an issue. Even though your response is personal (giving your opinions/describing your experiences) you must also show that you have done your research and know more about this issue than most people.) Details Quotes Remember the journalists checklist: Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? “Interview” fictional or real named experts / eyewitnesses / relatives & friends / local gardai and include quotes (you can make them up) which tell the reader something new about this story Vivid imagery: Descriptive & sensory writing Background scandal / information Describe the event in as much detail as possible (5 senses) so that the reader is drawn into the experience in their imagination (this can be a good way to begin). Try to include some gossip or little-known facts so that the reader feels you have your finger on the pulse & know more than everyone else. 44