MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 42

Annotation Task: Individual/Pair/Triad/ Group Grab a highlighter and a pen. See how many examples of the language style can you identify in the article above. 1. Highlight/underline where you find an example. 2. Annotate the article by writing the name of the language technique beside your highlighted/underlined example. 3. Check your answers vis Think-Pair-Share or oral feedback for your teacher. The 5 language style techniques used in the above article ü Counter Argument ü Statistics ü Syntax ü Direct Address ü Superlative ü Tricolon ü Emotive Language ü Antithesis ü Alliteration ü Imagery ü Humour ü Repetition ü Rhetorical Question ü Allusion Since its release in 2015, Kendrick Lamar's “Alright” has become an important protest song in the Black Lives Matter movement. Due to its strong content and explicit language, we won’t sample this song during class but do feel free to explore this song in your own time. Beyoncé’s ‘ Black Parade’ is also worth an exploration of its lyrics. 42