The Chinese Language
By MissYuming Zhang
The Chinese Language Competition 2016 was held from Monday 8 to Wednesday 10 August for
Prathom and Mathayom students. It has been an annual event in our school since 2012. The purpose
of the competition is to stimulate student interest in learning Chinese, to provide an exciting stage for
competition in the Chinese language and to highlight and celebrate Chinese language competence. The
total number of participants this year was more than 400. For each event, the winner of first/second/
third places in every year level will be awarded certificates of achievement in September 2016.
The Chinese Language competition 2016 included the following three events:
• Singing a Chinese song (Prathom 1-3)
• Drawing a picture by following a given short story (Prathom & Mathayom)
• Reading Chinese (Prathom 4-6 & Mathayom)
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