MD news vol.50_Chanya Vol50 | Page 25

บูรณวัฒน์จัดการศึกษา modern style. The ‘Louisiana Purchase’ collection of royal gifts is another large collection that they are preserving. It was interesting to hear that so many of the gifts were engraved or embroidered with symbolism related to music. With the approach of the 200 year anniversary of the Smithsonian/Thailand association, the collec- tions are now being more closely studied in order to verify their origin and significance. These experts are currently on a mission to contact local experts for advice and guidance on the importance of the items being documented, the original usage of the gift types, also the change in item types according to the time gifts were presented. Why were certain types of gift presented at different historical times? Were the musical instruments display pieces, or actual performance pieces? Many such questions were posed. They intend to prepare an article summarising the importance of their Thai displays, with a view to making these displays accessible to interested people in the world community, the responsibility of all good museums. As anthropologists, curators and ethnomusicol- ogists, Dr Taylor, Mr Smith and Mr Merrion are very interested in preservation, not just of artefacts, but also the intangible preservation of the inner soul of the music from the times that the gifts were made, the human spirit in music. They are also seeking specifics regarding the craft techniques used in the making of instruments and other display items. They have the means to digitise as many ฉบับที่ 50 ปีที่ 13 ปีการศึกษา 2559 Mater Dei News 23