MCCARTANS 01. 2.1…// All McCartan's employees are asked to sign to confirm they understand their Safety obligations whilst working here and further, have subscribed to the following principles…. PRE VE NT 02. A SSE SS 03. PLA N 04. INVE ST ∠ | ∠ All accidents are preventable through implementation of effective health and safety control policies and programmes. 05. CULTURE Whilst risks will be assessed and eliminated as part of our day to day work, we will conduct a full risk assessment across all areas of the business twice a year as a minimum 06. Accident prevention is good business. It minimises human suffering, promotes better working conditions for everyone, holds us in higher regard with customers, and increases productivity. 07. As part of our safety commitment, we have invested in training programmes for all - the access to which far exceeds that provided by any of our competitors. These are life and work skills that have value to future employers and staff career development. 08. TE A M STA NDA RDS DUTY We expect that this training to be received enthusiastically and new skills and knowledge shared and passed on such that good practise and safe working is inherent in our culture and not enforced as a rule. Both formal and informal communications between all stake-holders is essential to the successful management of Safety. We will communicate all relevant matters to staff and encourage meaningful 2-way dialogue between all parties as a matter of priority. Particular emphasis and responsibility lies with all management / supervisory staff to set and demonstrate exemplary standards of behaviour and commitment to H&S in the workplace. Responsibility for the day to day management and implementation of all protocols rest with the Managers and Assistant Managers and fulfilment forms a key part of their performance review