May Spotlight | Page 8

8 - May - 2022 www . wsca . org From the Committees

Meeting Minutes

Scholarship : Julie Gintner Application is in the March and April Spotlight and be on the website under the forms section . The committee members are Betty Alders , Jan Deile ( Vice-Chair ), Karen Whitaker , Doreen Marroquin , and Amy Cooney . Motion made by James Duenow , seconded by Kevin Berger to approve the Scholarship Committee members . Motion carried unanimously .
Ann asked about making a memorial donation to the Scholarship fund and if there is a form to fill out . Julie will follow up with Ann .
Spotlight : James Duenow Have been working on getting the new digital Spotlight out for the March publication . Much thanks to Rachel to help design the Spotlight along with Anthony . The Spotlight was sent out to 3,495 e-mails and there was a 72 % open rate . Based on the open rate , it has been viewed more than it has in the past 3 years . The interaction rate is 34 %, they have either completed viewing the book or clicked on links . 18.7 % of the people that have opened the Spotlight have checked every single ad . This is important , as these are the numbers that the advertisers will get , which will get them to continue to advertise in the Spotlight . Since going digital , there are 164 new subscribers . All these numbers are from the e-mails , it does not include direct access from our website and through the Facebook page .
James recommends for paid subscribers that they can get a pro-rated refund or choose to donate to WSCA and get a receipt for the donation . Motion made by Kevin Berger , seconded by Steve Bobzin to approve the recommendation . Motion carried unanimously .
Old Business :
Board discussed the entry system and if we should sell back the rights to the entry system or to move forward with the subscription-based system . If we keep the system rights , we will need to pay for improvements as technologies are continually changing . With the money we put in so far , we got use of last year ’ s hybrid system plus 3 additional years . Equiscribe would like to have us sign a 5-year contract . The first 3 years would be covered by our credit and the last 2 years Motion made by James Duenow , seconded by Josey Peterson to follow up with a Zoom meeting in 1-2 weeks to make a decision . One in favor , remaining opposed . Motion denied .
Motion made by Steve Tibbetts , seconded by Steve Bobzin to move forward with a 5-year contract with Matthew and use the 3 years of remaining credit and the last 2 years will be charged 8 % of entries . Motion carried unanimously .
New Business : The General Meeting will be held on April 24 th , dependent on the availability of Canterbury Park . Motion made by James Duenow , seconded by Kevin Berger to move the May 4 th Board Meeting to April 24 th . Motion carried unanimously .
May 21st and May 22 nd is the WSCF fundraiser show , and the showbill is posted .
Adjournment :
Motion made by Ann Goebel , seconded by Julie Gintner to adjourn the meeting at 1:02 PM . Motion carried unanimously .
Next Board Meeting : April 06 , 2022 Western Saddle Clubs Association , Inc . Board Meeting Minutes , March 6th , 2022 Submitted by Leslie Mason , WSCA Executive Secretary