May Spotlight | Page 7

WSCA Spotlight
www . wsca . org
2022 - May - 7
From the Committees
www . wsca . org
2022 - May - 7

Meeting Minutes

Sara Gronski has not completed her Champ Show stewarding and scribing duties , and she has a conflict with doing so for the next 5 years or longer . The Committee recommends that she be removed for the active Judge status but that her file be kept open and when her conflict is resolved that she complete testing to include rulebook and possible video Judging in order to be moved back to active Judge status . Motion made by James Duenow , seconded by Ann Goebel to approve the Judges Committee recommendation for Sara Gronski . James Duenow rescinded motion .
Motion made by James Duenow , seconded by Kevin Berger to table this discussion , and revisit the recommendation . Motion carried . One opposed .
Committee discussed implementing changes to the Judge ’ s Procedure which would address leaves of absences and testing of the active Judges on each new rulebook . Will work with Sandy and present to Board later this spring .
Judge ’ s seminar was held March 5 th at Running Aces and virtually . 37 Judges were in attendance . Clinicians were Dave Dellin and Dr . John Pipkin . Topics included review of the showmanship , horsemanship , and equitation scoring . Also , western pleasure , ranch riding and ranch pleasure classes . Rulebook changes were reviewed .
Will review process of anniversary awards for Judges . Question raised regarding indication of emeritus status on Judge ’ s list .
Matthew Saterbak was re-elected to remain on the Judges Committee as the Judge ’ s representative .
Tentative date of Judges seminar is March 18 th , 2023 . Possible topics are non-stock type pleasure , pleasure driving , hunter under salle , and discussion of game rules .
Roy mentioned he has several boxes to transition to Kim . Was wondering if we have a central storage location for older files . Unknown if the Historian has room to keep additional files / boxes . Ann mentioned that storage at someone ’ s house always subject to damage by accidental means . Ann will check on options for storage and a back up system . We can also research digitizing .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow Absent . Rachel has been extremely busy on the redesign of the digital Spotlight .
Nominating : Kevin Berger Welcome Ann Goebel as the co-chair .
Procedures : Sandy Strube / Sara Schwartz Sandy absent . Reviewing the volunteer and committee chair recognition . Working on adding vice-chairs to committees .
Publicity : Lori Taylor : Absent . James presented the showbill for the Royalty Show . Looking for approval of the showbill .
Motion made by Kevin Berger , seconded by Julie Gintner to approve the Royalty showbill . Motion carried unanimously .
Royalty : Bridget Behrns Absent . All pertinent forms for Royalty have been submitted for the March Spotlight . The Royalty Clinic will be on April 10 th , 2022 , at the American Legion .
Rulebook : Cindy Ladd Absent . Nothing to report .
Safety Committee : Corey Swartout Absent . James mentioned that he had talked to Corey about seeing if there is any interest in the Board members would like to do any training . The Board is interested in this .