6 - May - 2022 www . wsca . org From the Committees
Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present : Lynn-Ellen St . Martin , James Duenow , Josey Peterson , Amber Duncanson , Steve Tibbetts , Keith Sather , Kevin Berger , Julie Gintner , Ann Goebel , Steve Bobzin , Andrea Monicken
Members Absent : none
Other members and visitors : Sara Schwartz ( Parliamentarian / Procedures / Wissota ApHC Saddle Club ), Rachel Duenow ( Marketing / Jus Kiddin Around Saddle Club ), Roy Johnson ( Owatonna Saddle Club )
Meeting was called to order by President Lynn-Ellen St . Martin Public Open Comment : none
Secretary ’ s Report : Leslie Mason Motion made by James Duenow , seconded by Ann Goebel to approve the February 1 st , 2022 , Board Meeting Minutes . Motion carried unanimously .
Treasurer ’ s Report : Arlene Bayer
As of 02 / 28 / 2022 Checking $ 34,790.95 CD ’ s-Minnco CU $ 88,288.31
$ 123,079.26
Reviewed the Balance Sheet and Income Statement . YTD Net Income ( Loss ) is ($ 32,740.37 ). The profits from the 2021 Champ Show were $ 26,031.03 . Reports for the Champ Show profits , going back to 2012 , will be brought to the General Meeting . Motion made by Kevin Berger , seconded by Steve Bobzin , to accept the Treasurer ’ s Report subject to audit from February 28 , 2022 . Motion carried unanimously .
Correspondence : There are 165 clubs renewed to date , last year 165 clubs were renewed to date .
Committee Reports :
Championship Horse Show : Steve Tibbetts The Champ Show ribbons have been ordered and the cost is approximately $ 7,000 . The trophies have been ordered through Trophy House .
Computer : Jake Flodquist Absent . Nothing to report .
Drills and Squares : Marlys Mooney Absent . State Fair will not be adding much for additional premiums for the teams . Marlys will work with Menomonie Saddle Club to see if they are willing to exhibit at the State Fair or not . Wright Saddle Club will likely participate with at least one of their teams .
Futurity : Kathy Murphy Absent . Nothing to report .
Historian : Tim Wampfler Absent . Nothing to report .
Judges : Kim Ziegler Absent . Lindsay McNeill is completing her PhD at West Texas A & M . Expected date of completion is 1 ½ years . Committee recommends that her leave of absence be granted through completion of PhD and the return to MN . Motion made by Steve Tibbetts , seconded by Julie Gintner to approve the Judges Committee recommendation for Linsday McNeill . Motion carried unanimously .