May 2024 May 2024 | Page 14

Consider joining us in May !
A14 May 2024 Pamplin Media Group

Elaine Swyt displays work on art wall

By ELAINE SWYT Charbonneau resident
Elaine Swyt is displaying her artwork on the community ’ s art wall in the Activity Center . She wrote a bit about herself below :
I was born and grew up in Salem , Oregon in the 1950s & ’ 60s . I relocated to the San Francisco area to attend the University of San Francisco , where I received a Master ’ s in Organizational Development . My career followed for the next 20-plus years in human resources , communications and community relations , which took me to
many enchanting venues throughout the United States and abroad .
In 1995 , I transitioned from corporate life to starting my own web development and design business , Mediaphysics , in the San Francisco area . Over these past 30 years , I discovered my love for graphic and photographic design .
In 2006 , my husband , Joe , retired and we moved back to Oregon and to Charbonneau . With the encouragement of friends and family , I began to show my art at local shows and a few galleries and have enjoyed this immensely . Joe is now with the angels . It has taken me a little time to refocus but I ’ m looking forward to traveling for as long as I can and adding to my collection . I hope you see that I try to capture the rich color , light and the simple soul of each image . And , in all my work , I hope to share my sense of joy and wonderment . I hope you feel this also .
You can view and purchase from my online gallery at : www . Illusion .



Consider joining us in May !

April 8 we enjoyed “ Explore the World of Travel .” Members loved reminiscing about their favorite travel location and learning of new places others have traveled . Our
HUBER speaker was Ida Fuller , travel consultant . The décor included a small paper suitcase favor . The Hawaiian lunch was catered by It ’ s Part Time .
We look forward to enjoying time with friends on May 13 at 4 p . m . during our happy hour ( in place of a luncheon in May ). Don ’ t forget to make your reservation by noon of May 9 . The function will be held in the dining room as the weather might still be chilly at 4 p . m . The program will be short , introducing our 2024-25 board and committee chairs . Appetizers will be catered by The Market Café . Cost for members will be discounted at $ 10 . Non-members will pay
The Charbonneau Women ’ s Association held an event called ‘ Explore the World of Travel ’ in April .
the cost of the event of $ 25 .
The 2023-24 nominations for the executive board are :
Bee Benesh , president ; Teena Barrett , Carol McLeod and Judy Bonino , first VP of programs ; Kathy Fuller , second VP of catering ; Doreen Yates , secretary ; and Lindy Anderson , treasurer .
The survival of CWA depends on new people becoming involved . It takes many hands , but as we have done that we have had lots of fun and made new friends along the way . Please consider joining us . If you have not already volunteered , a signup sheet for committees will be available at the happy hour or
Elaine Swyt stands in front of her art at the art wall in the Gallery . Thank you sincerely to my Activity Center . supporters and collectors .
See CWA / 15
“ Term limits can be invigorating or stifling . Tualatin recognized problems with their term limits initiative and made changes to make them work better for Tualatin . Wilsonville can too .”

VoteYesYes . org

-CHARLOTTE LEHAN Former Mayor & County Commissioner

Let ’ s make our term limits work better for Wilsonville :

· Term limits that are fair
· Term limits that keep Wilsonville ’ s voice strong in the region
· Term limits that value fresh ideas and experienced leadership

Vote YES – YES on Measures 3608 and 3609

Questions ? VoteYesYes . org