May 2024 May 2024 | Page 12

Saying goodbye to writing this column
A12 May 2024 Pamplin Media Group

Sports Center

� From Page A11
“ Tennis has taught me that consistency is key . Not just in tennis but in life overall .”
Jack Jensen is a junior at Wilsonville High School and he plays doubles . He has been playing tennis for about two years , but has always had an interest in it . Most of his experience outside of school was tennis camps in the summer . Jack enjoys playing tennis and he has picked it up quickly . This encourages him to keep playing and continuing to get better . It has become one of his favorite sports . Jack says , “ Through tennis I have learned the importance of dedication and commitment . The more I play , the more effort I try and put in . This has made it easier to achieve little goals I ’ ve set for myself throughout seasons I ’ ve played . My instructor told me that , ‘ there is always going to be someone better than you in the room , but you can be the hardest worker there ,’ or something along the lines of that . I do compare myself to others quite often . I used to get angry when I felt that I practiced or worked at something so much more than another , and then I would place behind them . Now , I only focus on what steps I can take to better myself as a tennis player . This has really helped me progress in both life and the sport .”
Charbonneau Sports Center wishes these aspiring members much success on their tennis season and beyond !

Boys & Girls Aid


Saying goodbye to writing this column

Since this is my last article for Boys & Girls Aid in the Villager I have been thinking a lot about separation . I read
WIESENTHAL somewhere that a major separation in the life of a healthy adult takes about two years to recover from . A major separation can be from death , divorce or moving to a new location . I seriously doubted that it took that long . However , when we moved to Oregon from Illinois , where I had lived most of my life , I discovered to my horror that it is true ! It did take two years .
I am now giving the opportunity to write this column to someone else . So for me this is a separation .
All of which makes me think of all the children who are served by Boys & Girls Aid . Some of them had been moved several times before they came to this wonderful organization . They have been separated many times and will never get over it . Why is that ? They haven ’ t had time to get over one separation before they are hit with another one . Boys & Girls Aid is instrumental in giving them the time they need to adjust and works tirelessly to find a loving adoptive or foster home for each child .
The children who received the spring baskets have probably never had one before and most of what they possessed needed to fit into a small bag because they were moved so many times that it was impossible to take more with them . But when they came to Boys & Girls Aid there were no more moves and they could keep all the contents of the spring baskets , Christmas gifts and sport bags which were provided during the year by the generosity of members of this Cypress Branch .
Our speakers will tell you a lot about what we do at Boys & Girls
Pictured here is one of the spring baskets .
Aid . Boys & Girls Aid is caring and sensitive . I will always be a part of it . It is my desire that many of you reading this will join Boys & Girls Aid . During the school year we have a luncheon on the third Friday of each month except for the month of The Diner .
FOR MORE INFORMATION Boys and Girls Aid : www . boysandgirlsaid . org
Charbonneau Cypress Branch : www . cypressonline . org
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